Advanced Analytics & Clinical Data Science contribute to strategic clinical decisions that directly affect providers, payers and, most importantly, our patients. Working closely with advanced analytical, statistical and clinical resources, Biometric Health develops models that identify each patient’s need, the cause and predictive algorithms to understand future disease progression, care-seeking, risk and frailty.
Each Biometric Health model is developed using complex medical, pharmaceutical, survey and social determinants of health data algorithms designed to solve problems and deliver actionable personal insights in support of improved health outcomes.
Our personal insights lead to Personal Health Intelligence.
Biometric Health personal insights are built on understanding behaviors and behavioral influence on best practice care-seeking and compliance. Biometric Health customers can leverage this knowledge to pursue personalized health solutions through best practice care-seeking.
Leveraging algorithmic, statistical and in-depth clinical and behavioral disciplines, Biometric Health provides insightful personal care-seeking standards and practices delivered through our proprietary mobile device applications.
Embrace at home technologies and tele-medicine wellness brings together healthcare data components with live clinical assistance, medical libraries, and interactive wellness.