
Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI), is intelligence as demonstrated by machines; contrary to the (natural) intelligence displayed by human beings. AI is the study of intelligent agents, that is, self-learning algorithms or machines that perceive the environment (and changes within that environment) to take steps that maximize the chance of achieving the stated goal, for example, accurately predicting a future behavior. AI mimics cognitive functions associated with the human (and animal) minds such as learning and problem solving.

Machine Learning, foundational to AI, helps detect patterns that organize information, identify relationships, make predictions and detect anomalies.

An intuitive aspect of AI as described above is ‘curiosity’. Intrinsic to both learning and problem solving, curiosity drives most self-directed learning in humans and animals.

Biometric Health leverages AI, along with other advanced modeling algorithms, to develop population and personal insights that lead to improved health outcomes and quality of life.

Machine Learning

Machine Learning, foundational to AI, helps detect patterns that organize information, identify relationships, make predictions and detect anomalies.

Machine Learning

An intuitive aspect of AI as described above is ‘curiosity’. Intrinsic to both learning and problem solving, curiosity drives most self-directed learning in humans and animals.

Machine Learning

Biometric Health leverages AI, along with other advanced modeling algorithms, to develop population and personal insights that lead to improved health outcomes and quality of life